Monday, July 27, 2009

Life is so unpredictable.....

Donna Ann Thayer 2/14/1967 ~ 7/16/2009

July 16th was like any other morning, where you drag yourself out of bed, clinging to your slumber as long as possible, before you have to run around like a chicken with your head cut off to make it to work on time. Work was your typical day, lots of work to do and it's endless hours until you can go home. All in all, it was just my usual day.... or so I thought.

I got home around 3:00pm, and Thomas had arrived shortly after I did. He sat down to beat some game he had been battling to win. I needed to go take some books back to the library and possibly hit Borders for their huge book sale. He kissed me goodbye and I took off to the library. After I left the library, I called Thomas to see if I really should go check Borders out, since I had barely just checked some more books out. He was like " Well, do whatever you want, I'm still playing this damn game." AKA...YES. ;)

So I went to Borders, spent maybe 20 minutes in there. I have my little handheld basket with a few books in it and I head to the checkout line. My phone starts to ring, I held my basket in the other hand at this point and dug my phone out of my pocket. I saw that it was Thomas, probably telling me how pissed he was at his game.

Well, here was the conversation:

Me: Hey!
Thomas: UH, are you?
Me: At Borders still, I'm leaving shortly...why?
Thomas: You can't come home.
Me: What the hell are you talking about?
Thomas: Listen...UH...some cops just came by our door to ask some questions, so uh yeah it's really crazy right now....they were asking me if I heard gunshots or fighting next
Me: WHAAAAAAAAAAATT????!!! Why would they ask you that?!!! What's going on??!!!!
Thomas: I have no idea, Somer!! I'm totally freaking out over here. I think it's our neighbor across the hall...something has happened to her...they found her shot dead in her bedroom.
Me: OH MY GOD, Thomas!!! (I burst into tears and drop my basket) Please don't say things like that, HOW??!!!
Thomas: I don't know, but the officer told me that I should probably get out of here. I told him that I would call you and I would take off. Somer, there are cops everywhere....I can even see her sons outside on the sidewalk crying!!!
Me: What are we going to do?!!! Are you sure it's her?!!!! I'm scared!!!
Thomas: I think so, I'm sorry...I'm going to take off right now...let's go meet somewhere....
Me: Was it murder??? Someone came in and murdered her?? Did you hear anything??? Is he still there?? OH MY GOD, THOMAS...I am freaking out!!!
Thomas: Listen, you need to just calm down, there's nothing we can do except just let the police investigate, they don't know what's going on...just piecing things together...OK?
Me: Alright, I need to go...I'll call you in a minute...people are looking at me..Bye.

We decided to meet at a local Target a couple miles away. I didn't end up buying anything because I was shaking too much and I was in a daze. We sat together on a bench and let the breeze dry my tears. I was still hot and sweaty from being in my hot car and crying, so it felt nice to just chill out. We ended up hanging out at Thomas's parents house for a few hours and then we came back home. We walked by her patio and all her lights were on. I didn't see anything else, just no Donna.

She usually sat on her patio, smoking a cigarette, playing with her dog and would say her Hellos and Goodbyes. She occasionally had her boyfriend over that she would laugh and joke around with. He was fairly new, but she seemed to like him a lot. She used to let me play with her dog, Maddie, who was a little pomeranian. She loved to talk to Thomas and I, and she would always stop us on our way out or way in to our apartment. I didn't know her very well, but what I did know about her I liked. =)

We later found out that it wasn't murder, it was suicide.

A couple of days ago, I was in the kitchen cooking dinner, when it hit me that I had left my ipod out in my car. I scrambled around to hurry out to my car to get it. I opened the door to find Donna's boyfriend standing at her door with a note that he had left stuck on her door. My eyes bugged out of my head, because right then, I realized that he didn't know. I said, " Oh, are you?" He's like, " I'm are you?" I said, " I'm doing well, thanks..." I turned around slightly to lock my door. I said that I had to hurry and run a couple of errands. The only thing was that I had neglected to throw any shoes on, obviously because I was only planning on running out to my car. I didn't want him to know that though, or else he probably would've wanted to stick around an chat. It wasn't my place to tell him what had happened, but later on I was questioning on whether I should have or not. I just felt so bad that he thought he was being ignored, but that wasn't the case at all. I ended up calling the police to tell them he had been by and for someone to notify him. I felt even worse when I read the note going back to my apartment. It said, " Bonjour Donna, I very much care for you. Love, D." I haven't seen him since.

It's weird because I can't help but look at her car when I pull up to my parking stall or look up at her patio expecting her to still be there. I have no idea what would prompt her to do that, but I don't think any life is worth not living.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Eat your heart out Twilight!!!

I'm an avid reader and my latest find is called the House of Night Series by P.C. Cast and her daughter, Kristin Cast. Posted above is the latest book in the series that I picked up today, which I have been highly anticipating. This series has been compared to Twilight, but I have no idea why.... Yes, it's about vampires. Um, what else...I guess hot guys are in it too. (The only guy I found attractive in the Twilight movie was Rosalie's boyfriend, I can't remember his name...)

I really don't see any other similarities. It's not all sappy and goofy like Twilight is, where you have the main chick swooning over one guy obsessively, so much that it makes you put the book down for a few days and make a few trips to the toilet to throw up. It has sex in it, and , oh my god...they're not married. It also has some F-words, S-words, W-words, B-words...etc. You get the point. Not that I need sex and vulgarity to make a book, but it definitely keeps the book in my interest a little longer. To me, Twilight was an over-hyped, boring, drawn out, predictable (especially the last book ) being weird as all hell book. So, it just wasn't my thing.

This series rocks. I started the first book called " Marked" about 2 months ago. I was just walking around Borders (like I do) and as weird as it sounds, the cover drew me to it. It was nonetheless in the Teen section, so after my disappointment with the Twilight shenanigans, I was very hesitant on putting myself through that again. I bought it anyway, giving it a fair chance. It was only 9.00, so it wasn't a total loss if I hated it. ;) The first couple of chapters of it, I had to admit were a little goofy, but soon after I was enthralled in the story. The dialogue was real and so were the people they interacted with. I started the second book called "Betrayed" a week or so later. It was awesome. I found myself getting more and more excited to go to the next page. I went back to Borders and picked up the last two books just a couple of weeks ago, so I could space them out in time for the book that came out today =) So, the moral of this story is ..."If you can read a book and it plays in your head as your reading it, keep going. But, if you're reading a book and all you see are words, you should stop because you are wasting your time."

Or if you're making gagging sounds and rolling your eyes frequently .... The Twilight Series.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Rockband vs Guitar Hero

Yes, ladies and gentleman...the question I am asking is, "Which is better?" Guitar Hero was the first type of game of its kind with a guitar controller, at which you press button along with the game just like you are playing an actual guitar. But wait, what is this Rockband thing that decided to come in on the action? It's Guitar Hero but easier, so retards like me can play on Medium (when I should be playing on Easy.) Wowzas!!! Thank you Rockband for my instant boost of self-esteem, I'll take it! But why in the world would I think it's easier? I'll show you.....

Figure A)

The chords are larger, so you're not able to see very many in advance to when they are coming at you to play.

Now, take a look at Rockband (woot!)

Figure B)

The chords are smaller and you can see like 10 chords in advance, so you are ready!!!

I came to this conclusion the other night when Thomas and I were over at Tim and Lilian's. I was all proud of myself that I could play on Medium and not die. So, as soon as I got home that night we plugged the Guitar Hero World Tour Guitar game in. Let's just say a lot of not so nice words started to stream out of my mouth. My new talent was brought back to reality and stomped the hell out of. =( We have both games, but Rockband 2 is the only one that is worth playing. Because I'm awesome and I want it to stay that way, dammit!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Get a damn life...

I don't know what it is but I am subjected to the weirdest situations. It's like I'm a magnet for idiots. I try so hard not to be and avoid such occurrences, but today was something I just couldn't avoid. It all started when Thomas wanted to go to lunch . We stopped at a gas station near my job. We get out and everything seems to be dandy. I go into the station while he's out getting gas, buy some various things and I pass Thomas at the door going out to the car. My very intention was to just go out to the car and wait for him to get out of the store. On my way out though, I happen to witness some weirdo filling up empty water bottles full of gasoline at the pump right next to where I was. I had to do a double-take because I just couldn't believe my eyes. Last time I checked, you either needed a car or an actual gas can to buy gas. He's just filling up bottle after bottle and shoving them one by one into his coat. I turned right back around hoping he didn't notice me to go back into the store.

Thomas was on his way out of the store and I told him to hold my purchases. He's like, " Why, what's going on?!" I just kept walking until I saw a guy behind the counter. I told him there was some homeless looking dude outside filling up water bottles with gasoline. Then this SLOW lady (as in mentally slow) says she just sold him 50cents worth of gas because it's for his scooter. UHHH HELLOOOOOO....50cents worth of gas = a huffing party for like 6 people. Not like I would know, I'm just imagining he would be the popular guy at the homeless shelter tonight, had I not ratted his ass out. I just looked at her with my ever so awesome "You're really that stupid" look. The guy I told rushed out of the store and made the guy dump everything out and told him it was highly illegal to do that. I guess the guy told him that it really was for huffing. Like admitting his guilt was going to enable him to keep his goodies.

Some people are so damn stupid, I don't know who was the true Darwin in this...the lady that sold it to him or the actual guy filling up the water bottles with gasoline.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I declared this morning at around 8:00am my own personal Snow Day. I looked outside and I knew there was no way in hell I was driving to work in the blizzard. It is now 1:32pm and it hasn't stopped snowing!! I don't feel guilty for calling in to work at all. In fact, I feel quite proud of myself for not putting my life or yours in danger. =) You may think my rationalization is a bit extreme, but I assure you, lives were saved this morning. I'm the worst driver in the snow. You can all thank me later that you are all alive on Christmas morning opening your gifts and cherishing another holiday spent with loved ones...and unloved ones. ;)

It's not that I don't have the common sense to slow down when the weather is bad, I push the brake plenty of times, in fact. My car just wants to go when I want it to stop. I honestly don't think I would have received my drivers license had I taken my test in the snow. Maybe that's what needs to start happening to get all the asshats that get in accidents off the road. It's too late for me, of course, the damage is done....

I've been watching The Weather Channel and it looks as though there will be another blizzard coming our way here in Salt Lake City next Monday. I will be driving to work on next Monday, come hell or high water, so do yourselves a favor and have a Snow Day...your lives just may depend on it.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Respect your Elders...regardless of them being senile

I went to the Dollar Tree yesterday over on Fort Union to pick up some odds and ends. I finish with half a basket full of goodies and proceed up to the checkout line. The first one I come across had a ton of people waiting, so I scurried over to the other line which only had a few. I inch up to the line and this old man standing 10 feet away to my left tells me he's " in that line." I tell him, "Ok." Expecting him to walk in front of me to "claim" his spot in line. He just stood in that same place. I noticed that the few people that were in front of me had almost completed the checkout. I moved my cart a little to indicate to the old man he better get his ass in gear or I was going for it. I turned to look at him and surprisingly he just stood in that same place. I figured that he was just going to get in line when he felt like it and frankly, like the majority of people in the world..I've got a life. I have more important things to do than wait for nutjob to figure out what line he was in. The last person that was in front of me had checked out and I had pulled my cart up to be next. All of a sudden I hear the familiar senile old man say, " Oh, I see how it is..." I said , " Excuse me?" He's like, "I told you that I was already in line, but you just got up here anyway." I turned around and said, " I gave you plenty of time to get in front of me and I would hardly call 10 feet away from the line being in line." He then proceeded to stand there and bitch about how I took his place in line. I told him that he was more than welcome to get in front of me, but he wasn't in any line that I could see. He declined my offer, but continued to bitch. I turn and tell him in a nasty voice, " Look, either get in front of me or shut up about it." He's gets all defensive and tells me to " Go right ahead, I don't care." I start to put my things up on the conveyor belt and he starts in again about how I stole his spot in line. I couldn't take it anymore.... I grabbed my things put them back in the basket and moved my basket aside. I told him to please get in front of me so he can get the hell out of my face about it. The lady at the register thought this whole scene was absolutely hilarious. I, on the other hand, was about to punch this guy in the face. He put his things on the belt and continued to stand behind me even though I made lots of room for him to move forward. His total was 3.25 and he pulled out each dollar one by one and kept glaring at me while he paid. The lady thanked him for his purchase and wished him a good day. He says, " Well, it's a little late for that." He finally walked in front of me continuing his glare. I then said " That's your fault." He just
walked and said things under his breath.
What a lunatic! Who in the hell says they are in line from 10 feet away from the line and then just stands there as the line moves forward? Then he thinks he has a leg to stand on to bitch at me for " stealing his place." My god.

Monday, November 17, 2008

This was the group on Saturday night right before we headed out to the New Kids on the Block concert. The group consisted of Jamie, Daysi, Jessica and I. It was not easy getting us looking like this. It took a total of 2 hours to get looking this rockin' ;) I would have to say that it was by far totally worth it. We ended up out until 2am, because some chicks (Jessica and Daysi) wanted to head over to Denny's at midnight..LOL. It was a great night! When we arrived at the E-Center, people were running up to us like the paparazzi wanting to take our pictures. Daysi was telling me she was talking to her friend that " heard" about us at the concert, so we were pretty much famous!

I haven't really played a whole lot of video games. I tried playing Little Big Planet while Thomas was gone on Saturday, but it just wasn't as fun =( I kept getting mad and freaking out. Apparently, the reason it was so hard was that it was the last level of the game that I happen to wander into and Thomas had kept me in the safe zone before. I totally wanted to impress him with my mad skills I had developed when he got much for that. It's not time for me to play with the big boys yet, I guess.

Oh, I have a rant...

I was at Albertsons tonight picking up some ingredients for dinner. I don't know about anyone else but I always go for the "self-checkout" and end up regretting it because it tells me I either didn't bag something or it rings up a totally whacked out price. Tonight was the latter of the problems. Who in the hell would charge 2.99 lb for a celery? This lady in charge of the self check-out kept telling me it was 2.99lb and I said no....that's for the whole package no matter how much it weighs. I could understand them charging that for already cleaned, washed, cut celery...because they actually took the time to make it easier for you to cook with. Then she wanted to fight with me about the price of the grapes. It clearly said on the damn sign they were .98lb, which is a killer deal. She was telling me they were 5.00lb, but with my savings card it took off 1.00 per lb for me. Uh, last time I checked 5 minus 1 wasn't 98cents. So, off she went to go and price check the grapes. It's the #1 thing in their freakin store ad, but she has to go and make sure. They weren't organic either, so I don't know why they were ringing up that much. She gets back and she's like " No, I think they are ringing up right..." I rolled my eyes and told her to just forget everything. I ended up going to Dan's and I didn't have a problem.

The moral of this rant is so you kids stay in school to realize that 5-1=4 . Oh, and don't go to Albertsons either.

Friday, November 14, 2008

If you'll notice in the upper right hand corner, I have been tracking my earnings for playing video games. Can you guys honestly believe that I played for a total of 2 1/2 hours last night? I can't either, I don't know what had come over me.

Thomas and I played some more Little Big Planet. I had my little polka dot dress outfit thing going on with my rock star sunglasses for my sack girl. I'm going to go and look for a sack girl online close to the one that I apparently mine is pretty unique. I didn't die as much as I did the night prior, but I did still die quite a few times. In fact, there was a point that I looked over at Thomas and said , "Hey, would you please quit dying??!!" He's like, " I'm not trying to, this is a hard part!!!" (That's what she said) Then I took a break to go and play some Left Brain/ Right Brain on my pink DS. I'll have you all know that according to that game, I'm almost ambidextrous. I'm 100% on my right hand (because I'm right-handed) and 84% on my left hand. It was a good time. =)
So, I watched The Office last night. It was one of the more blah episodes. I wasn't really too impressed. Not that I could do any better, but still , well maybe I could. I should write a script and submit it to them. I'll land myself a sweet job in Hollywood, be famous, have weirdos stalk me and then end up killing themselves in their car outside my house. On second thought, I guess I'll just wait until next week to see if it's a better episode.

I'm so excited for tomorrow night!! I will be heading out to see my heartthrob from my childhood, can anyone guess who that is???!!! Joey McIntyre from New Kids on the Block!!!! The New Kids on the Block are coming to town!!! My friends and I have been making our neon paint, homemade concert t-shirts for this special occasion. Unfortunately, Thomas didn't want to come...I don't know why... OH WELL. ;)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

I played 30 minutes of Little Big Planet last night. Which means I earned myself $3.00 towards my next book. (Remember, it counts as double if Thomas chooses the game) So, I sat down to play and Thomas was ecstatic! And then I remembered why I don't like playing so much....I hate how there are a million buttons that do various things on the Playstation controllers. I get confused and I press the wrong buttons at the wrong time, I die a few times and I quit. Sega Genesis had just the right amount of buttons on it, I rarely die on there or forget what the hell I push.

I started out making my sackgirl who had pink, yellow and blue polka dots on pink fabric. I had a some pink hair done in braids and a black and white polka dot dress. The thing that made my outfit was my rockstar sunglasses. I looked like a million dollars =) I was able to learn how to run, jump, um...put stickers on things to get these blue balls. The Blue Balls consist of new outfits you can dress your sack girl/boy in or more points. I also learned how to pull and push blocks, but I think the coolest part of it was learning how to hold on to things while you're rolling down a huge hill on a skateboard. I just learned the basics last night. There was a level in it that was extremely frustrating. It had a bunch of cardboard cut-out ghost things that were hanging from chains and if you happened to run behind them, you die. I died about 5 times. After that level, I was ready for a break. Thomas said he was really proud of me that I lasted that long =)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Thomas is in the other room playing some PS3 game that just came out called Dead Space. I was going to start my video game thing tonight...but uh...he's using the big nice tv in the living room, so I guess I can't. (Tomorrow when he's going to read this, I will guarantee that he will say this
" I asked you if you wanted to play some video games and you said No") But for some reason, I all of a sudden wanted to play and he's on the big nice tv right yeah....can't. ;)

Anyways, on another note I would like to add that I will be adding my occasional rant on here as well. I'm just saying this so that no one is going to be confused and wonder why I'm not talking about my many future adventures of playing video games.

I'm going to go ahead and go off on a rant...just let me think of something first....brb.

(I just went to go and check if he's still playing Dead Space, and he I still can't play)

Has anyone noticed how there are a lot of ugly actors and actresses out there nowadays? There is this one show on called " Worst Week" and the star of that show is absolutely atrocious. He's like a younger version of George from Seinfeld crossed with I dunno, some other ugly person. His acting is horrible too, so someone in the casting room is either boozing it up or desperate. Ooooh, another one is Gary UnMarried, they have the star being played by Jay Mohr, who is also ugly. Granted , I'll give him some credit, he was a pretty good douchebag in Jerry Maguire. But I think that's pretty much all I can say about him that's nice. Let's think of some ugly women....Oh. Ugly Betty..okay cheap shot... I'll think of another I'm sure it won't be too hard. Ugly chicks, Ugly chicks, hmmmm...Oh, Barbra Streisand. Although, I haven't seen her on tv lately and I thank her for that. =) Anyone else...geez this is pretty hard. Ok, I'll have to come back to this later.

I don't know what channel this show is on, I want to say it's TLC or Discovery, something along those lines...but there is a show called " The Duggar Family, 18 and counting." If you have seen it you know where I am going with this.. This family has 18 children all 18 and under. She has has one child per year for the last 18 years. Could you imagine? It blows my freakin mind. Their family vehicle is a BUS! They asked her recently if she was going to have any more children and you know what she said? " Oh, it depends on if the lord wants me to"

What the hell??!!!

I don't think the lord has anything to do with it. I should write her a letter and maybe include some birth control information to let her know it exists. If I was her I would be afraid to go to the bathroom, because I would fear that all of my insides would fall out. Wouldn't that be a trip? You go to the bathroom thinking it was just an innocent little pee and the next thing you know you're screaming for your husband or one of your many kids to come hand you something to shove your insides back in with. LOL

I'm sorry for the mental picture, but someone had to say it. Ok, that's enough for tonight. I have to go pee, and you know what? I'm not worried ;)