Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Get a damn life...

I don't know what it is but I am subjected to the weirdest situations. It's like I'm a magnet for idiots. I try so hard not to be and avoid such occurrences, but today was something I just couldn't avoid. It all started when Thomas wanted to go to lunch . We stopped at a gas station near my job. We get out and everything seems to be dandy. I go into the station while he's out getting gas, buy some various things and I pass Thomas at the door going out to the car. My very intention was to just go out to the car and wait for him to get out of the store. On my way out though, I happen to witness some weirdo filling up empty water bottles full of gasoline at the pump right next to where I was. I had to do a double-take because I just couldn't believe my eyes. Last time I checked, you either needed a car or an actual gas can to buy gas. He's just filling up bottle after bottle and shoving them one by one into his coat. I turned right back around hoping he didn't notice me to go back into the store.

Thomas was on his way out of the store and I told him to hold my purchases. He's like, " Why, what's going on?!" I just kept walking until I saw a guy behind the counter. I told him there was some homeless looking dude outside filling up water bottles with gasoline. Then this SLOW lady (as in mentally slow) says she just sold him 50cents worth of gas because it's for his scooter. UHHH HELLOOOOOO....50cents worth of gas = a huffing party for like 6 people. Not like I would know, I'm just imagining he would be the popular guy at the homeless shelter tonight, had I not ratted his ass out. I just looked at her with my ever so awesome "You're really that stupid" look. The guy I told rushed out of the store and made the guy dump everything out and told him it was highly illegal to do that. I guess the guy told him that it really was for huffing. Like admitting his guilt was going to enable him to keep his goodies.

Some people are so damn stupid, I don't know who was the true Darwin in this...the lady that sold it to him or the actual guy filling up the water bottles with gasoline.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I declared this morning at around 8:00am my own personal Snow Day. I looked outside and I knew there was no way in hell I was driving to work in the blizzard. It is now 1:32pm and it hasn't stopped snowing!! I don't feel guilty for calling in to work at all. In fact, I feel quite proud of myself for not putting my life or yours in danger. =) You may think my rationalization is a bit extreme, but I assure you, lives were saved this morning. I'm the worst driver in the snow. You can all thank me later that you are all alive on Christmas morning opening your gifts and cherishing another holiday spent with loved ones...and unloved ones. ;)

It's not that I don't have the common sense to slow down when the weather is bad, I push the brake plenty of times, in fact. My car just wants to go when I want it to stop. I honestly don't think I would have received my drivers license had I taken my test in the snow. Maybe that's what needs to start happening to get all the asshats that get in accidents off the road. It's too late for me, of course, the damage is done....

I've been watching The Weather Channel and it looks as though there will be another blizzard coming our way here in Salt Lake City next Monday. I will be driving to work on next Monday, come hell or high water, so do yourselves a favor and have a Snow Day...your lives just may depend on it.