Thursday, November 13, 2008

I played 30 minutes of Little Big Planet last night. Which means I earned myself $3.00 towards my next book. (Remember, it counts as double if Thomas chooses the game) So, I sat down to play and Thomas was ecstatic! And then I remembered why I don't like playing so much....I hate how there are a million buttons that do various things on the Playstation controllers. I get confused and I press the wrong buttons at the wrong time, I die a few times and I quit. Sega Genesis had just the right amount of buttons on it, I rarely die on there or forget what the hell I push.

I started out making my sackgirl who had pink, yellow and blue polka dots on pink fabric. I had a some pink hair done in braids and a black and white polka dot dress. The thing that made my outfit was my rockstar sunglasses. I looked like a million dollars =) I was able to learn how to run, jump, um...put stickers on things to get these blue balls. The Blue Balls consist of new outfits you can dress your sack girl/boy in or more points. I also learned how to pull and push blocks, but I think the coolest part of it was learning how to hold on to things while you're rolling down a huge hill on a skateboard. I just learned the basics last night. There was a level in it that was extremely frustrating. It had a bunch of cardboard cut-out ghost things that were hanging from chains and if you happened to run behind them, you die. I died about 5 times. After that level, I was ready for a break. Thomas said he was really proud of me that I lasted that long =)


Niki and Jess said...

What happened to the days of the old shool Nintendo? A, B, start, select, and the arrow key? So simple. I hate playing games these days...way to confusing. Good luck with this!

Thomas Evans said...

This game is a bit different than most new games. There are only two buttons you actually use to play that game, you only use maybe two more to access the menus... =)

Good to have you playing with me a little sugar!