Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Thomas is in the other room playing some PS3 game that just came out called Dead Space. I was going to start my video game thing tonight...but uh...he's using the big nice tv in the living room, so I guess I can't. (Tomorrow when he's going to read this, I will guarantee that he will say this
" I asked you if you wanted to play some video games and you said No") But for some reason, I all of a sudden wanted to play and he's on the big nice tv right yeah....can't. ;)

Anyways, on another note I would like to add that I will be adding my occasional rant on here as well. I'm just saying this so that no one is going to be confused and wonder why I'm not talking about my many future adventures of playing video games.

I'm going to go ahead and go off on a rant...just let me think of something first....brb.

(I just went to go and check if he's still playing Dead Space, and he I still can't play)

Has anyone noticed how there are a lot of ugly actors and actresses out there nowadays? There is this one show on called " Worst Week" and the star of that show is absolutely atrocious. He's like a younger version of George from Seinfeld crossed with I dunno, some other ugly person. His acting is horrible too, so someone in the casting room is either boozing it up or desperate. Ooooh, another one is Gary UnMarried, they have the star being played by Jay Mohr, who is also ugly. Granted , I'll give him some credit, he was a pretty good douchebag in Jerry Maguire. But I think that's pretty much all I can say about him that's nice. Let's think of some ugly women....Oh. Ugly Betty..okay cheap shot... I'll think of another I'm sure it won't be too hard. Ugly chicks, Ugly chicks, hmmmm...Oh, Barbra Streisand. Although, I haven't seen her on tv lately and I thank her for that. =) Anyone else...geez this is pretty hard. Ok, I'll have to come back to this later.

I don't know what channel this show is on, I want to say it's TLC or Discovery, something along those lines...but there is a show called " The Duggar Family, 18 and counting." If you have seen it you know where I am going with this.. This family has 18 children all 18 and under. She has has one child per year for the last 18 years. Could you imagine? It blows my freakin mind. Their family vehicle is a BUS! They asked her recently if she was going to have any more children and you know what she said? " Oh, it depends on if the lord wants me to"

What the hell??!!!

I don't think the lord has anything to do with it. I should write her a letter and maybe include some birth control information to let her know it exists. If I was her I would be afraid to go to the bathroom, because I would fear that all of my insides would fall out. Wouldn't that be a trip? You go to the bathroom thinking it was just an innocent little pee and the next thing you know you're screaming for your husband or one of your many kids to come hand you something to shove your insides back in with. LOL

I'm sorry for the mental picture, but someone had to say it. Ok, that's enough for tonight. I have to go pee, and you know what? I'm not worried ;)

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