Monday, November 24, 2008

Respect your Elders...regardless of them being senile

I went to the Dollar Tree yesterday over on Fort Union to pick up some odds and ends. I finish with half a basket full of goodies and proceed up to the checkout line. The first one I come across had a ton of people waiting, so I scurried over to the other line which only had a few. I inch up to the line and this old man standing 10 feet away to my left tells me he's " in that line." I tell him, "Ok." Expecting him to walk in front of me to "claim" his spot in line. He just stood in that same place. I noticed that the few people that were in front of me had almost completed the checkout. I moved my cart a little to indicate to the old man he better get his ass in gear or I was going for it. I turned to look at him and surprisingly he just stood in that same place. I figured that he was just going to get in line when he felt like it and frankly, like the majority of people in the world..I've got a life. I have more important things to do than wait for nutjob to figure out what line he was in. The last person that was in front of me had checked out and I had pulled my cart up to be next. All of a sudden I hear the familiar senile old man say, " Oh, I see how it is..." I said , " Excuse me?" He's like, "I told you that I was already in line, but you just got up here anyway." I turned around and said, " I gave you plenty of time to get in front of me and I would hardly call 10 feet away from the line being in line." He then proceeded to stand there and bitch about how I took his place in line. I told him that he was more than welcome to get in front of me, but he wasn't in any line that I could see. He declined my offer, but continued to bitch. I turn and tell him in a nasty voice, " Look, either get in front of me or shut up about it." He's gets all defensive and tells me to " Go right ahead, I don't care." I start to put my things up on the conveyor belt and he starts in again about how I stole his spot in line. I couldn't take it anymore.... I grabbed my things put them back in the basket and moved my basket aside. I told him to please get in front of me so he can get the hell out of my face about it. The lady at the register thought this whole scene was absolutely hilarious. I, on the other hand, was about to punch this guy in the face. He put his things on the belt and continued to stand behind me even though I made lots of room for him to move forward. His total was 3.25 and he pulled out each dollar one by one and kept glaring at me while he paid. The lady thanked him for his purchase and wished him a good day. He says, " Well, it's a little late for that." He finally walked in front of me continuing his glare. I then said " That's your fault." He just
walked and said things under his breath.
What a lunatic! Who in the hell says they are in line from 10 feet away from the line and then just stands there as the line moves forward? Then he thinks he has a leg to stand on to bitch at me for " stealing his place." My god.

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